An important aspect of Daniel’s later work has been to give purpose beyond entertainment to his artistic projects. Through the many workshops and masterclasses they have led, education has been a natural focus. During their time working at the Office for Diversity and Inclusion at the Berklee College of Music in Valencia, they had the opportunity to lead many different initiatives around education, social justice and integration. Here are some highlights:


City of Arts and Science Summer School

Leading the Summer School collaboration between Berklee Valencia and the City of Arts and Science of Valencia, Daniel led a workshop for a total of over 200 children (from 7-14 years and up to 40 per workshop). The workshop was tailored to the running theme of the summer: Dinosaurs, shared some of the science around dinosaur sounds in movies such as Jurassic Park and was the first ever of such collaborations between both entities. Its success led to an annual collaboration that remains active to this day.

Prendea: Themed Learning

With the COVID-19 in 2020 sprouted many online remote educational initiatives. Closely connected with the ministry of education in Peru, local company Check developed Prendea, a platform where children can learn a variety of topics through themes. In this particular case, children explore science concepts, the scientific method of investigation and many fun facts from the Big Bang, to the edge of our observable universe, through a black hole and back to our remarkable planet as a unique gem of our galaxy.


United Nations Senior Ambassador Program

As fellow for Diversity and Inclusion, and later the sole Student Engagement Coordinator of Berklee Valencia, Daniel led (from 2017 to 2020) the Senior Ambassador Program in collaboration with the United Nations base of Valencia. During this time they supervised and advised student projects of climate action, social justice, gender equity and education, among others, that directly contributed to the Sustainable Development Goals agenda and have been recognised and celebrated by .


YMCA Concierto por la Tolerancia

In collaboration with the local YMCA in Valencia, Daniel coordinated workshops and mentorships for children in risk of exclusion who would then have the chance to write and perform their own original music at the YMCA’s annual concert for tolerance.